Monday, December 12, 2005


Posting to resume Monday, December 19th.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

First Car

Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of my first car - the windshield anyway. Some kids thought it would be fun to smash the windshield of every car parked on the street. Jerks! Anyway, my first car was handed down by my father - a Buick Riviera. It was great in college b/c we could pack 6-7 people in it. I ran that car into the ground. It had over 267,000 miles on it the last day I drove it. It never gave me any problems until one day it just had enough. That car served me well.

What was your first car? Does the thought of it elicit any memories?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Get Away

Sometimes, you just need to get away. It may be physical or it may be a mental retreat. Some people take a bubble bath while others meditate. Some people go for a drive while others retreat to a room in their home. At some point, everyone needs to get away.

For me, when I need to get away, I take my dog hiking. I love the sound of his paws and my feet as we walk down the trail. I love the sound of the wildlife around us. I love hiking a new trail and the discoveries we make along it. There is something about the fresh air and solitude that renews my spirit.

Where do you go or what do you do when you need to get away?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Here is an easy one...

I am one emotionally-drained little blogger. Yesterday my spirit took a beatdown from every which direction. I need to just cry long and hard for a few days and then, once again, pick up the pieces and move on. Dear God, can I please just go one year without a train wreck, just one? Anyway, I am going to move on to the topic of today's post. If you want to read more under the surface, go to Heads Turn. I don't see the need to drag that mess over here. Okay, moving on.

Today's topic is my favorite color. Green, green, green! When I was younger it was blue - now it is definitely green. Green dishes, accessories, and a few clothing pieces (like my fav. shirt in the picture on my sidebar).

What is your favorite color? Has it always been the same? If it changed, when did it change? What areas of your life has your favorite color invaded?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Body Modification

If you think about it, nearly everyone has modified their body in some way. Perhaps it is something permanent like a tattoo or something temporary like makeup or hair color. It can be something simple like an ear piercing or something major requiring surgery. I believe each modification, whether major or subtle, says something about the person.

For me it is piercing. I have three piercings in each ear, with an additional cartilage piercing in one. I also have my belly button pierced. To the relief of my family, I have no plans to get anything else pierced. I am content expressing myself through the piercings I have.

In what ways have you modified your body? Does it serve as a form of expression? What does it say about you? If you haven't made any body modifications, are you considering any? What does it say about you?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Next Year...

I loved some of the responses to my mental health post. The techniques are varied: music, games, reading, yoga, working toward goals, and all-out pampering. This has inspired me to make a Sunday CD filled with all the music that I love. Also, I've never tried yoga, maybe I should. And the idea of all-out pampering has my wheels turning too - like maybe a once a month treat. Thanks for all the responses. Today's topic: next year....

Many people have something they have always wanted to do, but never seem to get around to it. They have always wanted to go to Hawaii, go sky diving, go camping, see a Broadway show, learn the tango, and the list goes on. Maybe next year... I am guilty as charged. I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. But I have never made time for classes. My uncle even bought me my first guitar and sent me books and videos I could use at home until I had time for professional lessons. Year-to-date, everything and everyone is always more important. There are other things I've always wanted to do in life, but I always put school, work, family, or friends first. With the year coming to a close, I wonder, am I going to continue putting myself last or will I find time for some of the things I've always wanted to do? Life is short, no?

Is there something you have always wanted to do but never seem to find the time/money? What really keeps you from doing it? Can you take the steps necessary to do it next year?