Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thursday Meme

Got this idea from Audrey's blog. At least now you can count on hearing my randomness at least once a week. Aren't you excited?! ;)

Thirteen Things about Brea:

1. Developed a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes (the ones behind my ears) today. Gee, wonder if I'm getting sick?

2. Dropped $500 on car repairs. Oh happy day!

3. Reconnected with old friends from H.S. and college. What ever happened to solid platonic relationships with men? Why do they always have to see how far they can go?

4. Anxiously awaiting news of our next backpacking trip. Can we go now? How about now? Now?!

5. A customer made me cry Tuesday night. What kind of piece of shit offers $25 and an apology as constellation for being an asshole. Get the f*%# out! I hope they burn in hell.

6. I'm not bitter, really.

7. I love red wine, it made me forget my work shirt at the bar. Don't ask.

8. Sliced my finger on an empty can of green beans. Right on the tip and it took a good twenty minutes to stop the bleeding. Who does that? Oh, I do. Fortunately, this minor setback was forgotten quickly. I made an awesome dinner.

9. Still searching, finding nothing. It may be easier if I figure out what the hell it is I am looking for in the first place! Which brings me to...

10. I miss blogging and my blogging buddies. I know for a fact that I am most successful when I work things out in writing. You'd think in my current state of BLAH, I'd be writing up a storm. I'm not.

11. Bought a $45 bra at Victoria's Secret this weekend. It makes my boobs look good and has clear straps for use with halters and spaghetti straps. I'm still trying to convince myself it was worth it. When is the last time a man spent more than $10 on underwear? It just doesn't seem fair! Moving on... By the time I left the mall, my pocket was $200 lighter. Good thing I don't do that often.

12. Trying to decide who I should invite to the annual fishing trip this year. Part of me would like you-know-who to come. How sad is that? I have all these wonderful people in my life and HE is the one I want there. That says something about me, doesn't it?

13. Debating whether to take classes this summer or to work my ass off and save money (or spend it all decorating my new apartment, on car repairs, or buying bras from VS).

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Audrey

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things.

Let me know if you decide to start doing this on your own blog. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the randomness that is my life. Just be glad all you get is a glimpse; I'm stuck in this head for life! Now that's a scary thought!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think I have that much happen in one day to fill out all 13

4:25 PM  
Blogger Brea said...

Tu s. Tin:
I'm sure you could. Randomness is about the easiset thing anyone can do. Give it a whirl.

4:38 PM  
Blogger josie said...

it is cool. i slow down on blogging these days. i am mostly commenting on other blogs. the writer's block is slowing creeping back up on me.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Didi Roby said...

Oh heck yeah...this is going t be know I love these...and to do them every thursday! Wow!

11:00 AM  

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