Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Mental Health

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Thanks to everyone who participated in my touch post. Looks like there is a tie between back and neck for the favorite place to be touched. There are many places I like to be touched, but it has to be done in the right way and by the right person. But that's another post entirely! Ahem. Moving on... Today's topic: mental health.

Everyone has something they must do in order to keep sane. For me, I dedicate Sunday as my mental health day. I will not work and chances are, I won't leave the house much either. I may go for a hike with my dog, do a little shopping, go out to eat, or do homework if I absolutely must. But mostly, I like to stay in my PJs all day, take naps, eat constantly, and do basically nothing.

What do you do for your mental health?
Do you have something you do daily? Or do you dedicate a day?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Blogging on hold . . .

. . . until after Thanksgiving weekend. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2005


Everyone has a place where they like to be touched. For my ex, it was the back of his neck. If he started rambling some nonsense or I just wanted to make him purr, I would rub the back of his neck and he'd immediately stop talking and close his eyes. It was great. For me, it is my back. I absolutely love it. It doesn't need to be a massage, I actually prefer a gentle back rub...purrrrr

Where do you like to be touched?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Unnecessary Objects

Thanks to everyone who participated in my inaugural post - lots of new faces I haven't seen around before and many old friends. I feel the love :) Looks like food and drink won hands down for addictions. Just stay away from my chocolate and everything will be okay. On to post number two....

If you have ever had the misfortune to read one of my TMI posts on Heads Turn, you already know my opinion on underwear - wear when necessary. Before I give you my rules, let's see how well you do with these snapshots. Post your answers in the comments section. Deem each photo either necessary (N) or unnecessary (U). Answers will be posted tomorrow.













Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Hi, my name is Brea and I am a chocoholic. No, seriously, I am. A lot of women will speak of their love of chocolate, but I think I have gone above and beyond that. I have left my house (on more than one occasion) at 3am in search of chocolate. There has not been a day in recent memory where I haven't had at least a Hershey's kiss. Even as I type this, I am chowing down on a bowl of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy. Sad. I often wonder how many dress sizes I could go down if I could stay away from chocolate. I've thought about trying to see how long I could go without it, but I don't think I could handle the shakes. **sigh**

What is your addiction?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Let the insanity begin.

Why? Click here for an explanation.

Posting starts tomorrow. Watch out world, Brea has a new blog and she's not afraid to use it!!